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World Championship
Results Are In!
5th Annual Hangin' Tree Cowdog Futurity 

NRS Ranch Decatur, TX.  October 8-12, 2019

Host of the 2019 HTCA Futurity, Maturity, and Meeting

Major Futurity Sponsors

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Jacket Sponsors

Travis Stone

Paul Lelinski

Hitter Farrier Services LLC

Carroll Messick

John Schlichting

Ernie Christmas

4 K Ranch (Carron Knight)

Wilcox Cowdogs

Wilcox Cowdogs

Bluff Valley Kennels

Andrew Baxter

Hollow Point Ranch

Holbrooks Land & Cattle

Thank you

Another championship in the books and our 'Thank You' list grows:
  • To Gary Ericsson, without his commitment in developing this breed, non of this would be possible
  • To NRS for hosting the Futurity and events
  • To our Major Sponsors and Jacket Sponsors
  • Shane and WynD Roberts for supplying cattle
  • Jensen Gainer for supplying cattle
  • To Charlie Trayer for coordinating, supplies, and so much more
  • To our judges who sat horseback all week and in the rain
    • JB Miller, Trevon Ogden, and Kenneth Heman
  • To our cattle settlers for placing cattle
    • WynD Roberts, Kadin Roberts, Jensen Gainer, and the judges
  • To our cattle sorters
    • Shane Roberts, John Jacot, Jensen Gainer, and Dalton Fowler
  • To our timers and score keepers
    • Jennica Wilcox, Eric Wilcox, Melissa Ogden, and Gary Huddleston
  • To Herman Cook for sitting by the exhaust gate all week long to let cattle out
  • Dave Scott for providing a generator for the week
  • Cherrie Hodges for running meals 
  • To our contestants, the dogs and handlers get better and better each year
  • To Jason Terrell for being the liaison between the NRS and HTCA
  • To JR Bailey for contacting Schaefer for the finalists jackets
  • To Schaefer for discounting the finalist jackets for the association
  • To Revival Animal Health for being a product sponsor
  • To the members and non-members who watched the events and took pictures
There are more, I'm sure, we're forgetting and we'll continue to update this list as we remember. If you helped make the Futurity week a success, Thank you so much! We simply cannot do this without your support!

Futurity Week Finals






copyright 2024 Hangin' Tree Cowdogs hangintreecowdog

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