Permanent Registration
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To Permanently Register your HTC:​
Member must have active account & be in good standing
Dog must already have appendix papers (blue certificate) from the Hangin' Tree Cowdog Assoc.
Dog must be transferred into your name (owner can transfer at time of permanent registration)
Your dog must have short or slick hair (NO long-haired dogs)
Your dog must have a docked tail
There is no age limit
If your dog fits these criteria and you would like to permanently register your dog with the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc. your dog must be approved. Your dog must be working cattle and hitting (biting) both heads and heals on cattle.​
How: To pay the fee either click the link above to print the form OR go to the database and complete the form online. You MUST pay the fee THEN submit 2-4 pictures OR a short, clear, non-shaky video, to the association email. Label the email with the dogs registration number!! Email: hangintreecowdogs@outlook.com
Must show the dog BITING; pictures that only show the dog ABOUT to bite or close to the steer will NOT be approved. Still shots need to show the dogs jawline on the steer.
Cannot work more than 2 dogs when trying to permanently register one
Calves need to be 350 lbs. or larger (bottle calves will not get your dog permanently registered)
Cattle can NOT be in a chute or restrained in any manner. A working pen is ok (doesn't have to be in a pasture)
NO flank bites, tail, belly, or neck bites. MUST be on the HEAD and HEELS
Owner MUST mail in the old registration certificate to receive the new one

Board members do NOT know who is submitting the video unless they recognize the person walking in the video (some people just video the dog and some people get video'd during the process). Either way, they are looking at the dog and will respond back based on the requirements and the dogs actions. Two Board of Directors must respond back with 'Yes on head and heels,' in order to Permanently Register the dog. If not approved, we will notify the owner that they must submit better pictures or video.
IF your pictures never get approved and you no longer wish to continue the process the association will issue a refund. You MUST request for a refund through email.
This is what separates the Hangin' Tree Cowdogs from the rest. We require proof to permanently register your Hangin' Tree Cowdog. This process will continue to better the breed and association members.
Association email- hangintreecowdogs@outlook.com
Permanent dog registration:
Litter registration:
$55 if registered within three months of whelping
$100 if registered within four to six months of whelping
$145 if registered within seven to twelve months of whelping
After one year the litter is no longer eligible for registration.
Transfer of ownership:
$15 Any dog transferred to a different owner must pay this fee.
$50 Membership year runs from Nov.1 to Oct.31
$500 Lifetime Membership with a buckle
$400 Lifetime Membership without a buckle
Each membership entitles one vote at any general meeting of the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc.
If you have any questions about registering your dog with the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc., please feel free to contact the secretary. Or you may send an e-mail message by using the email address listed on the Contact Us page here on the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc. web site.
To all members of the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc. or anyone that might be interested in purchasing a registered Hangin Tree Cowdog:
It has been brought to the attention of the Board of Directors of the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc. that there are individuals that have been altering and or changing the information on registration certificates. For any one purchasing a registered Hangin Tree Cowdog it would be to your advantage to check and look over the registration certificate that is given you.
Registration certificates that have been altered or changed, whether by computer or hand written will not be honored by the Hangin Tree Cowdog Association Inc.
It needs to be understood that on Appendix papers this does not include the blank lines for Name, Eye Color, or Hair Length.
It also needs to be understood that Permanent Registration Certificates are exactly that, they are permanent and names or any other information cannot be changed.
Prior to January 1, 2009 counterfeiting of Hangin Tree Cowdog registration certificates was a problem. This was a major concern that was addressed at the original meeting of the two registries when the first proposal to merge the two registries was discussed. One of the main goals was to put a stop to this, it will not be tolerated.
Again, any registration certificates, Appendix or Permanent that have been tampered with in any way will be canceled.
Once you have completed your applications, you can mail them to the following address:
Mail to:
Hangin Tree Cowdog Association, Inc.
Melissa Ogden
561 N Dade 41
Lockwood, MO 65682
Phone 417-830-9278